Skin types
Different Types and skin conditions
If you strive to have healthy and well-being skin, it is important to use skin care products that are adapted to your skin's needs.
Within this there are four different basic types which are divided into normal skin, dry skin, mixed skin and oily skin.
Which skin condition you have can vary and is related to a number of different internal and external factors such as lifestyle, climate, medication, heredity and stress.
Characteristics of normal skin:
- The skin feels soft, smooth and resilient
- Even skin tone and good blood circulation
- Small, fine pores - some may have slightly larger pores in the t-zone
- Normal sebum production, good balance between moisture and fat
Characteristics of dry skin:
– More fragile and loses elasticity
– Flaky, rough, cracks & itching
– Low sebum production, which contributes to dryness & lack of moisture
Characteristics of normal skin:
- The skin feels soft, smooth and resilient
- Even skin tone and good blood circulation
- Small, fine pores - some may have slightly larger pores in the t-zone
- Normal sebum production, good balance between moisture and fat
Characteristics of dry skin:
– More fragile and loses elasticity
– Scaly, rough, cracks & itching
– Low sebum production, which contributes to dryness & lack of moisture